Sitemap - 2023 - The Texas Energy and Power Newsletter
Watch "Putting the Pieces Together for a Reliable, Affordable, and Sustainable Grid"
Consumer Costs at Heart of Conflict Between ERCOT and the Independent Market Monitor
Join me at these events over the next week
Punishment for Batteries while Gas Skates Free
ERCOT Needs an Independent Review
Subscriber Chat Thursday for PUC Open Meeting
What does ERCOT’s Failed Procurement Mean?
PUC attempts to rein in ERCOT, protect consumers
On the Ballot: A Taxpayer Funded Bank for Gas Plants
Performative and Perfunctory “Preparedness”
ERCOT’s summer review is misleading and incomplete
ERCOT calculates a 1:7 chance of outages in December; could be worse in January and February
Quick previews of upcoming PUC and ERCOT Board meetings
Skate to Where the Puck Is Going
Join Me at These Upcoming Events
Subscriber Chat tomorrow during the PUCT Open Meeting
A new era for Texas' rural electric co-ops, or more lumps of coal?
ERCOT Has More Questions to Answer
Is ERCOT attempting to "eighty-six" batteries?
Ask Me Anything during the ERCOT Board Meeting Thursday morning
Ask Me Anything During PUC and ERCOT Board meetings
ERCOT, and Texas, Need a Different Kind of Growth
THURSDAY: Live Blogging the PUC
A Year of the IRA in Texas: More Solar, Storage, Jobs, and Investment
To Increase Reliability, Texas Needs a Genius Grid
To Avoid Power Outages, We Need to Diversify Supply
Winter Is Coming — and With It, a Higher Likelihood of Power Outages
Of Heat Waves and Waves of Utility Shutoffs
TODAY: Ask Me Anything in the Subscriber Chat
Texas Has Never Had a Summer Blackout — Here’s Why That May Change
The Potential for A New Era at the Texas PUC
Is the Texas Power Grid Fixed Yet?
A Free Market, If You Can Keep It
An Unmitigated — and Uncapped — Disaster
The Most Important Bills You Aren’t Talking About
House Call: An Opportunity to Improve Grid Reliability in Texas
Mixed Message Delivered in the (Political) Theater of the Absurd
The Legislature Enters the Final Month; Grid Discussions Gain Momentum
Texas Consumers Hang in the Balance
Senate's power plant buying spree would cost $8 billion more than early estimates
Texas Legislature Moves to Raise Taxes
Texas Senate Prefers A State Monopoly To Competition
Lack of vision impedes grid progress in Texas
A reliable and low cost grid is closer than you think
Local Outages Are Still Outages